O mais surpreendente desta pequena nação escondida entre as maciças montanhas da região é sua capacidade extraordinária de manter sua juventude e saúde: os habitantes de Hunza se banham em água gelada mesmo a 15 graus abaixo de zero, fazem esportes inclusive até os 100 anos, as mulheres de 40 anos parecem adolescentes e as de 65 anos dão a luz."
"Hunza is a remote feudal community lost in the backdrop of the Himalyas. On the old caravan route from India to Tibet and on to Cathay - taxes being levied on these travellers. Many of the locals are descendants of the soldiers of Alexander the Great. Marco Polo would have travelled this way on his journeys of exploration.This film, made in the 60s shows Hunza as almost a "closed" community with little or no crime, no need for money, no shops, no hotels - is this still the same now?"